Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another new year though it seems like yesterday that I......

It's the beginning of another new year and it's always that time of the year when I wish for a better year.

As I reflect back past memories, I feel and see so many things in my life, past and current.

I've now matured a lot. Tremendously in fact. I'm now a mother of two school-going children though it seems like only yesterday that I was a teenage girl, hanging out with friends and enjoying single life. And being single now means having my own personal time with my other half and my two 'creations', that means doing things as a family in most of our daily life.

I now pant and run out of breath when I run with the kids at the park. My body aches, my head turns when I get not enough sleep and I feel tired after a day out hiking. It seems like it was only yesterday when I was actively into sports and even represented the school in some sports. I ran the 100m sprint, took part in long jump, high jump, relay, netball and trained in the hot sun and rain. Sleeping late didn't give me problems the next day. now, it seems I'm contented sitting under the fan, reading a book or magazine or just surfing the net.

And speaking of surfing the net, it used to be lots of social media activities, getting to know new friends, oblivious to the term "danger" and chatting and looking at girlish stuffs. That seems like yesterday too but now, I've developed an interest in reading REAL news, on economic update and markets and reading technical charts, forgetting that accounting was one of my hated subject in college.

And speaking of danger, it seems like yesterday when me, my siblings and cousins, went out to play in my grandparent's kampung. We climbed mango trees, attempted to go up the rambutan trees, played hide and seek in the bushes and behind huge trees, catching spiders in pandan bushes and 'catching' fish in the huge drain nearby. We ran all over the kampung, without any fear of kidnapping or of strangers around. Now, I forbid my kids to do the things I used to do. Crime is a big worry nowadays, almost unheard of in my childhood days. We were happy kids without the computer, watching less tv, practically no toys as we DIY our own toys. Our childhood games was one filled with board games, playing bottle caps, home-sewn 'five-stones', and lots of outdoor games like hide-and-seek, police-and-thief, galah panjang and traditional games unheard of.

Lately, my boy is engrossed in his Plants-vs-Zombies game, influenced by his father during the recent school holidays. My girl, on the other hand, is into her whole list of Barbie movies.

On a personal level, I've taken bold steps to 'try' to go into a more flexi-job. The 'try' turned out to be a great. I never realised that taking the leap to leave the corporate world and the monotonous working life changed my view of the many things happening around. No more hearing of the bitching and backstabbing and complains. As someone said this many moons back, if you don't like it, stop complaining if you want to continue to be where you are, or just CHANGE if you can't stop complaining.

Oh well, too much ranting already. Feels so quiet now that the kids are out with their friends at the daycare centre. It had been a hectic and noisy school holiday and the sudden change makes me pause in my steps, feeling a little lost as to what I should be doing.

I should get back into my routine. Gotta move my butt now.

Happy New Year 2012 to all and cheers to a wonderful and lovely year ahead!!

Some of the shots taken during the Christmas season last month.

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