Friday, December 28, 2007

Travelling again...

Gosh, am I tired..... It's been a travelling month these two months.. Two weekends ago, we went down south for my brother's open house. We had to go down earlier to help prepare all the food... well, actually it was my parents who cooked all the food. We started the trip one night before, arriving at 4am in the morning. Our eyes were like Panda and all I wished for was a total quiet peaceful sleep, which of course, I didn't get. Sigh!

With so many guests, especially from Singapore, that weekend was so tiring that we we practically giving up on doing any more travelling.

My brother got his first Christmas tree and the kids simply love playing around the tree! Anyway, with the food, presents and holidays, the kids are just so energetic that I get tired just looking at them! haha

Unfortunately, last weekend, we went down south again and this time, the trip back to KL was extremely bad.... It took us 6 hours instead of the normal 3 1/2 hours to KL. We had a stop for dinner in Seremban though due to the jam and by the time we reached home it's midnight.

I'm glad that this weekend, it's gonna staying at home after those weekly travelling. Aah.... the feeling of 'home sweet home'....


Chinneeq said...

Oh Sharon, Eryn is so beautiful with her curls!

Babysmooches said...

Eryn has very curly hair at the back and I'll need to trim her hair all the time or else they'll get entangle and she'll look like she's out of the jungle. she got her curls from her dad and a little from me.


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